Hello Visitors, My Portforlio Presents work from Project activities that i Worked and managed using the Adobe Programs, That for the skills That i have Devoloped from over the Year,s that there is so much to Talk about. First That knowing to start somewere is to think of an idea for anyone who, is Interested, for using the tool and colors in a Programs,
From my Experience, I learned in my spare time How to develope these skills, like how to Draw Free-Hand and using colors and 3D Effects, While i was working on this painting here, that knowing this is Me of course, Matthew McGuire, at Age 31, I started attending school back in December 2014, after being out of School for more then a Decade, That i do Feel Proud in a lot of ways to Share and Present my Artwork to other Who are interested, my work at the Begiining if most of use here know that From were i started was on paper until i had gotten more Practice with Miscrosoft Paint. Since I was introducted the the Adobe Creative clowd and the Other Programs that knowing it seems to be a skill that keeps on going,
My Dream at one Time of course was to Devolope a skill, That becomes interesting, That with my own ideas and my Artwork, Seems like The only Option there was was a Contest, Not a Career, but knowing after 15 years, That with my Artwork that i know that this a Great skill to have, for others, That when i was Growing up I had a Disability, That my Artwork became a Part of me since i was a Kid, I am think was that I wanted to Touch a Rainbow when i seen one Near The Yard, but other then That Allowed me to use my Creative mind to Biuld and Delelope a skill That can be introducted, and managed The way as Professionals look at it as Interesting,Since Getting my own Computer when i was 20, I wanted to go back to School to Learn more, and Make Better Grades, My story i am sure is too Long to understand, but knowing That as most of us who are in School to work hard for a Degree in Education, is to Keep working hard for what Matter's to Us, And to Thanks about something someone can Learn about Each other.