Students That try There Best in Learning and Studing, This Sketch Presents the idea of a Regular Class.
3 years from now in the future, Wednesday, July 18, 2018, Stuents to Understand the important Reason for Education. I have Dreamed about being in a Regular Class for year,s That my story can go on from those many years ago, but knowing for a Possiblity to talk about the Future.
My Dream That i have had many of times, That i am in a Classroom with other Students and Teachers, but knowing That reminds me a lot of the Elementary, and Middle, school and High school years.That for the class to get into Groups, That i would get a sourse of attention, to Feel a part of the class.
Sometimes, That when i do get behind of some of my work That for any student they get Really Frustrated, and for That Reason, That knowing a lot of Preasure, and Stress, tention on the mind,
That if any student can understand not everything is going to be Easy!!, That are challenges, and one of those could also be getting along with one another, and understanding the Schools and Subject, But Thing that keeps me going is something to Look forward to and understand the Reasons that for the class that something someone can Learn about one another. I have Dreamed about being in a Regulr class, even when the middlem School and High school years have been over for me for many years since 2004.
That 10 Years Later ,seem like knowing in order to be a part of a Regular class ment Requires Rules, for attendence, and doing our work, That if some students wonder that they dont like feeling like they arein a spot that there Grades start slipping, and There G.P.A Score goes below, and for understand for the Important Responsibility, The question goes by what do we tell others forany Feedback, The Question That about the Requirements for makes most of Everyone Feel important, makes them Happy" Makes them feel a Part of the Group? I am sure The Answers could be Explained in many Ways but for myExperience, That it Means, Explain your interest for those who wnat to Learn more about us, That for the most important Reason That a skill That i am sure most students may wonder, someone else There work is better, There may have been a student that may say That they were considered Number one, Best in a Skills then when they got into that class they seem other examples That they though were even Better, for who is Smarter, then one Another, it seems like a Challenge, butknowing for a Student like Matthew, I tend to think, I am working hard to improve my Acknoledge to Earn my Degree.For something I Created That Can be used, That is something i am sure That how it works to Explain the class That Helping others understand what we Learned.
For any kind of Attention That anyone gets That seems That knowing That ya if Most of everone wants the same amount of Attention, to Feel a Part of the class.
Thanks for Reading.
Helping Student's Understand there work, The way I went to School, That I was in a Regular Class at times. when i "Say Regular Class", I mean by A Class That contained at Least 30 or More student's and That Would talk to Me at times, Too Feel a Part of the Class, That i though one of the most Important things was to Centinue working hard and Making Great Progress, I have managed to That I was one of the only Student's in Class, That Required, And Deeded Special needs attention, Even if i thought I could handle the work on my own, That is when i come to the Question to were, when do I think the class will need my Help, that seems like The class and Teacher's Faculties, and Tutor's Say That What is Required to Pass, and to show Great Progress in class, is to Respect the Rules.
That is why That sometimes i do Feel Proud to get The Attention il like to see since other Student's in class That receive Great comments about there, work i Keep thinking that for me being the first Start of the School Year, that i am only Qulified for so much, That other students Tend to Work ahead, and seem to have no Problems, I tend to Struggle, but on the other hand i am sure There is always something to look forward to is Know for Each Person in Class, The most important think, is That Really do we all have the Same skills, or is one Person's skills about Score that when a Student is Absent What soes the class do?
I Dream about a Class, since i was in the 5 Grade A Lot of student's and Teachers like my artwork, and knowing, Is this an Important Job? If this is a Job? Or is this a Hobby? I have Practiced a Number of times, since i was a kid, and to know What what Have the student's and Teacher's Learned about Matthew, I was also told That I have a good memory also, but when i draw, i picture in my mind about Idea's That seem to Feel my imagination with the Joy of Talent.
Thanks for Reading.