Grade Score
For Student Studing Maybe the One of the Most Difficult times when it comes to Understanding what Needs to be Tought and For Understand the Reasons for What is Required to Passed,
To Move Forward to the Next Level,
Out of the Past Few Month I Learn knowing about Taking the time to Learn the Programs Like Adobe Programs, For Understanding Photoshop and Ilustrators, Program for Knowing how to work the tools, Managing the Settings, and Menu's.
I wouls say one of my Favorite Studies is Learning what i can do Creative with my own work of Art, and there are some Rough Challenges, that come a long way of knowing My Grade that The Grade Level may go up, or Down, for Understanding.
That is The Grade Score
A Awarded, Best Achieved 90/100
B: Below Acheaved, more time Studing. 80/90
C: Concitrate More time too study, and Knowing if we understand our work. 70/80
D. Closes to Failing Score, Need to Study and Missing work, Missed to many Points. 60/70
F. Fail Did Not Pass. 40/50
For knowing our Grade Score, that Not everyone of them may be Perfect but knowing for working our Best and Trying.
A+ Student that I Really have not had a Grade Score average as Good as a 100% Even if I Trying and that was The Score i was Working Really Hard for But still did not get it, but for the Best Opertinity is to Keep working Hard, and go by the Acievements to comtinue working Hard everday to Bring the Best!!!