This is The Work Based on a Non-Fiction Book, About The Kidnapped Survivor Jaycee Lee Dugard, in her Book a Stolen Life, That The aritst work this Portraite to know about For Any Book Readers in there Understanding about The Story. The Artist uses Artwork to Create an understanding for any Thoughts and Creative idea's while Reading The book.while Reading.
Her New Book:Freedom, That was Published in July 18th, 2016, Her goals, and Dreams for The Future, to Help others Understand about the JUST ASK YOURSELF TO CARE!! known as the JAYC Foundation, an Artist;Designer who is Capable of Managing The work, to Help Parents and Children, in Understanding the Safety For There Childlren.
Book Authors and Readings, For a reader Like me this is what i think about while I read I think of Idea's about What goes on in the story, and for The Support I give to those, Who went through Ordeals Like abuse, When Growing Up, since they were Young, I work a lot of my artwork from the Past 5 years, about this Author, This Painting are to Present the Author, "Jaycee Lee Dugard", in her Book a Stolen Life. When i Think of an Idea and working any sourse of Art, and Design i also thinking about the Idea for what i can Create to Help in Support, it is The honor of Knowing what I can do.That For about the Important Educational Possibilities for the Future.
Author: A Person who Write/Create the Story, for what they want to share, including anything they May experience, later in Childhood. Writters Sharing and Telling the story for What they wanted to say, and giving them the opportunity to Speak!! Jaycee Lee Dugard,May Beautiful, Young.
These Two, Police Officers, Handled There Job as if They were there Family, and Friends, We may think That We Get Personal When we ask Questions, and for what The UC Burkly Police Department, had Managed in Finding Young Jaycee Dugard, but then also The Real Helo's Who know That a Job is Not, just about being in Uniform, is also about Making sure All, People of The State, Country, around the Country, Make sure everyone is Safe, and Returned Home , What could Happen, during the Following Days, in The Future.